
Ho, Ho, Home: Six Ways to Save For the Holidays!


The night air is brisk, Christmas carols are played in every supermarket, and pepper lights shine from the first touch of nightfall. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It also can be quite expensive. Everyone loves the holidays but loving the holidays doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. We’ve got a few ways you can conserve this Christmas so you can give yourself the gift of savings!



This one is a classic so it shouldn’t be too hard to get started. Gift giving is a huge part of the holidays. After all, brown paper packages covered with string are just a few of our favourite things. But, that paper doesn’t have to be used only once. Carefully taking the wrapping off a gift may not be as fun as tearing it open, but it goes a long way in cutting down costs since you can use the paper again. 



We all know it’s the thought that counts, but sometimes, that’s all there is. The actual gift you receive might just be the last thing to ever go on your wish-list. Still, what might not work for you could be the perfect gift for someone else. Taking a present and putting it in the hands of someone who will appreciate it is a great way to keep your shopping to a minimum.

Co-operative Cooking  


If you’re hosting a Christmas dinner at your home, it won’t just be the stew peas under pressure. The amount of time and energy it takes to make a full spread of food is also quite costly and time-consuming. Instead of doing it all on your own, ask your family members to each bring a dish. That way, you can all have fun playfully arguing over whose was the best when it’s time to finally eat.

Keep The Lights Down Low


It’s just not Christmas without pepper lights. They make your house look like something out of a storybook and give you that cozy warm holiday feeling when you get home. Nice as they may be, we only put them up once a year, and it’s easy to forget them when it’s time for lights out. Keep an alarm on your phone to remind you to disconnect the lights so you don’t get the gift of an outrageous light bill at the end of the month. 


Make Your Own Kind Of Christmas


If you’re thinking about really decorating your home this year, there are quite a few ways to do it conservatively. That doesn’t mean you can’t go all out. Your house will be the place to be this Christmas no matter what. It simply means taking the time to make your decorations rather than buying them all. Cutting out snowflakes and hanging them from the ceiling, or stringing together popcorn to put on the tree are just a few ways to do it. Not to mention, it’s an activity for you and the whole family. Who knew saving money could be so much fun!

Make A Holiday Budget And Don’t Budge It.


Doing the holidays right is all about planning. After all, what’s a wish list if not the plan for your perfect Christmas gift haul? Well this Christmas, take that planning just one step further. Take some time to think about everything you want to get out of the holiday season and stick to it. Remember, when it comes to saving, it helps you to keep to the essentials. That way you’ll have a bundle of savings to start the new year right!


Whether you had a hard year or not, we all deserve a little rest and relaxation at the end of the year. This Christmas don’t give yourself something to stress over. It might seem like a hassle to think about, but you’ll sleep soundly come Christmas night knowing that you played it smart and saved.